Introducing 2.0
I can't get by without doing a post to acknowledge the relaunch of!
If you're reading this then you've already seen the new digs - hope you're enjoying this new digital living space.
And I'm glad you chose to give my site a look. Truly.
For those of you seeing my site for the first time, let's just pretend 1.0 never happened. It had promise, but fell short. It wouldn't have been able to continue working for me long-term. Hence, the renewed site. A lot of the features remain! Additionally, I've now got posts giving insight into each of the stories I've written so far. This will continue as I release stories and I hope that they can add some depth to the tales.
I won't take any more of your time here - go check out the rest of the site! And if you feel oh-so-kind, please do leave a review on my stories to help future shoppers see what tense moments await them!
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